Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's Okay...

To like your teacher. But don't be too sweet on her or him. It'll only leave you with a broken heart, or her or him doing a 5 to 10 bid...


Leave for another country without having your out of state l's in order...
If this happens, you could very well be one of these fellows in this picture. Not dancing a jig, but missing a digital trends class for a day...

Same soup, just reheated...

This is my newest post in a year. Gone are the days of creative thinking blogging. We are putting on our shiny disco shoes and hustling our way into Digital trends. Seeing that I dig the teacher teaching this class, I decided to resurrect my old blog and put a new twist and progressed (hopefully) outlook on it. Same shit, different roll of toilet paper. Hope you like it. If not, who gives a flying fuck. Heddy's opinion the only one thats matters. So either be down like 4 flat tires, or make like the wind and blow........... me.